Why adapting Supply Chain Strategy ensure a full recovery?

34 Просмотры
Covid impact on Logistics & Supply Chain
Building Supply Chain resilience & rebound
Adapting Business & Supply Chain Strategies
Why applying latest Technology/Innovation & Digital transformation is a must
Streamline Demand Planning Process (bias, inconsistency, forecasting) with Streamline solutions

The coronavirus pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for the supply Chain world while retailers and suppliers including manufacturers are facing increasing or decreasing demand and rapidly evolving market conditions. Poor demand planning during this crisis will affect long-term business operations, potentially delaying or hindering recovery efforts. Organizations need the ability to predict and to better understand their supply chains and customer demand to ensure a full recovery.
During this webinar we will focus on business & supply chain strategy, demand planning and how technology & digital transformation plays an important role in the companies effort to survive this pandemic.

About the speaker:
Franklin Theodora is the founder and CEO of Natax e-Logistics Inc., a B2B service-based company located in Curacao which provides software solutions, implementation services, support, training, civil engineering services, Digital Forensics Services and Management challenges & support to companies in the Caribbean & Latin America .
Franklin has an academic background in Information Technology and more than 25 years experiences in Information Technology, Logistics Supply Chain, Civil Engineering, Digital Forensics and held position as Business Manager, IT Manager and Logistics Manager and speaker at several International Conferences and Seminars.
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