Piocreat G5 Industrial particle 3d printer printing shoe soles

47 Просмотры
Piocreat G5 Industrial particle 3d printer printing can be used in various fields, and fashion is no exception. We will focus on an interesting trend: 3D printed shoe soles. You may not know it, but additive manufacturing is very useful in the footwear market. You can create 3D printed shoes with original designs and soles for rapid prototyping and try new manufacturing processes. Next, I will show you how Piocreat G5 prints shoe soles.

Learn more about industrial-grade pelets 3D printing G5:https://www.creatwit3d.com/product-detail/fgf-particle-3d-printer-g5

Shop directly :https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/creality-Piocrea-G5-500-500-500mm_1600322754860.html?spm=a2747.manage.0.0.705771d2DTi6LW

Shop directly :https://shop.piocreat3d.com/products/piocreat-fgf-particle-3d-printer-g5

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