Percage sol (entrevous)/ drilling floor ( concrete interjoist) with 3D drill press 43mm

23 Просмотры
Percage Entrevous sol avec Perceuse et support 3D

This is a strong drill press able to drill concrete floor (concrete interjoists) and also metal and many other material.
Ceci est un support de perceuse 43mm capable de guide pour le percade du sol (entrevous) , métal et aux matériaux

I create it to drill my concrete interjoists floor and pass a tube form the first floor to the ground floor, drilling wirh a dry drill 65*370 with a hammer drill bosch PBH 2000SRE .
Je l'ai créé pour perforer un entrevous du sol pour passer un tube de 40 du premier étage vers le rez de chaussée, en perçant avec un foret à sec 65*370 avec une perceuse à percussion grand public.

3D printed Support link to download:

Compression Spring:

It works properly.

List of material madatory:
- 1x wardrobe tube (tube penderie) : 6,5€
self-tightening bolt and nuts M8 as:
- 5x M8x30 nut( boulon M8)
- 6x self-tightening bolt M8 ( ecrous nylstop autoserrant)
- 1x M8x55 nut(boulon M8X55mm)
- 5x 608-2RS 8x22xh7 bearings - sourcing maps (roulements) =8,4€

print the support_perceuse.stl , infill 60% : 203gr, 63m, 17h print time, 3,63€

List of optional materials ( if you add guides):
- 2x threaded shaft M8x250 (tige filetee) = 3,6€
- 4 or 6xM8 nut
- 1 or 2xM8X25 bolt
- 1x compression spring 2x30x250mm
print the guide Butee Arret.stl (one or twice as desired.)

If you need this support ( for people who don't have 3D printer) ask for the creation , we will find out a win win solution with minor cost.
3d принтер с aliexpress
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