Open Mic Photonics: From Iran, a Digital Hologram! by Yousef Pourvais [B-PHOT Student Chapter]

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Open Mic Photonics:
From Iran, a Digital Hologram! by Yousef Pourvais
Recorded on:
5-6 PM (CET) - April 1st, 2021
"How is it like to bring metallurgists and physicists together in Iran? How is it like to work in that academic system, compared to B-Phot? What makes a project successful and satisfies you with your own results? How should you handle different people’s expectations? This is going to be a personal story of a 3 year interdisciplinary research project that I was involved with back in Iran. Do not expect much data, this is going to be about the researcher, more than the research."
What is Open Mic Photonics?
Open Mic Photonics is a series of webinars where you as an active member of the Photonics family can present your work, field of research, story, article of interest, etc. to the B-PHOT Student Chapter's audience. Are you interested to present something? Fill this form ( and we will get back to you ASAP!
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