3D Printed Rubber Band SMG - Free Models!

60 Просмотры
Download the models here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4649407

This works by loading bands onto a rear rotating square magazine which is kept from rotating forwards by a rocker. Note: Load the magazine with the bolt locked forward to prevent it from hitting the rocker.

When you release the bolt it will cycle backwards knocking a bulge on the rear of the elastic catch into the rocker causing it to rotate a quarter turn. This will load a band onto the catch, which is then held in place by the bolt getting stopped by the trigger sear. When you pull the trigger, the band on the catch pulls the bolt forward and releases the band towards your target, then another small band on the bottom of the catch pulls the bolt back and the catch hits a shoe again allowing the magazine to rotate another quarter turn. This repeats with a satisfying noise, the bolt cycling back and forth like a real open bolt SMG, and lots of rubber flying towards your intended victim, and good fun is had by all hopefully.
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