Random stuff off Thingiverse - Reindeer by CreativeTools December 29, 2010

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Random stuff off Thingiverse - Reindeer by CreativeTools December 29, 2010

Random stuff off Thingiverse - Reindeer by ehler December 13, 2014 https://youtu.be/tOMB5N-QQmQ

I was watching this video by myfordboy - Vigotech VG-L7X Reindeer Model https://youtu.be/V-sXRbS104U
He based his project on this Thingiverse file
Reindeer by ehler December 13, 2014
Reindeer on thingiverse https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:591235

Reading the notes on that one, I found it was based on this Thingiverse file
Reindeer by CreativeTools December 29, 2010

From the 591235 I created a 'flat' 3D files for a 'slot together' version

From the 5352 I created a full 3D model

I am currently using Ultimaker Cura version: 5.2.0
My printer is a Creality Ender 3

Ultimaker information on Support structure
Ultimaker Cura offers two techniques to generate support, called 'Normal' and 'Tree'. The 'Normal' support generates supports directly below your 3D model and is used in all Ultimaker printing profiles.
As an alternative, 'Tree' support creates branches that grow around your 3D model. The benefits of this alternative include reduced print time and less scarring of the model.

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