How To Come Up With Unique Ideas For Projects

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Coming up with ways to increase your creativity in your craft or art is not that difficult if you try different things. Modify your preparation approach, think "outside the box", bring in 3D tools to go along with typical 2D approaches. I introduce you to Aimee Nolte, amazing jazz piano player and singer, and a technique she uses to expand her ideas in making music. I also expose you to Marco Bucci, a gifted digital artist who transforms his 2D paintings into 3D living scenes with stunning results. Then, I talk about using similar approaches as a woodworker to keep me thinking creatively. I hope you enjoy this unique approach to making a video about expanding my workspace using several animation tools.

Follow these terrific artists at:
Aimee Nolte
Instagram - @aimeenoltemusic
Website -
YouTube - @Aimee Nolte Music

Marco Bucci
Instagram - @bucciblog
Websites -,
YouTube - @Marco Bucci
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