► Enter Your Mini: http://bit.ly/Share-Your-Hero-Forge-Mini-Here
► Our Store: https://store.ontabletop.com/
Today on the OnTableTop Weekender! Hero Forge launches its revamped site with a new all-singing, all-dancing, all colour, way to customise and print your characters and you can win one on the show, the guys are blown away by the wealth of options and how you can paint your figure. Mantic Games up their game with a new range of plastic goblins that may pull Lloyd into Kings of War finally, are these the best plastic goblins in the world. PLUS designer standees and designer dice, one of these things are completely unnecessary and I don't think people will have much trouble deciding which is which....Steve! ALSO we take in monolithic fantasy miniatures and stunning steampunk scenery in the Kickstarters!
► Share your Hero Forge mini for a chance to WIN and we will get it printed:
►Subscribe & Share! Massive 100K Subscriber Giveaway
Warren has something special planned for hitting the big Century so be sure to share and tell your friends and check out the prize claim centre to see if you won last weeks fantastic prize from PSC Games.
►Indie Of The Week! Crusader Miniatures
The ranges cover a huge expanse of history, from the armies of Alexander the Great to the British Tommies of World War Two. Eight different collections all sculpted by Mark Sims, if you're looking to play Bolt Action or Clash of Spears, even Saga, for example, there is a wealth of miniatures for you to explore.
► Feature! Hero Forge 2.0
It's finally here, Hero Forge has launched their revamped platform this week to allow you to build the most unique custom figures for your RPGs or tabletop games. Apart from the wealth of options that they are constantly adding to let you build your personal vision they have now the option to paint your figure and have it delivered to you exactly as you want without having to lift a brush! The guys poke the system and show you how mind-blowing the options are available to you and tell you exactly how you can win this weeks prize.
► Tabletop Gaming News
Here is some of the wargaming, tabletop and miniatures news this week which caught our eye and made us go "ooooh!"
Mantic Games Goblins - a horde of releases from Mantic spearheaded by the new goblins
Studio Miniatures - Four horrifyingly beautiful figures to chase your survivors
Wofun Games - Peter Dennis' Signature collection add Rome and her enemies to the tabletop
Louis Vuitton Dice - because people with more money than sense
Let us know if something from this week made you "oooh!" and if we missed anything!
► Tabletop Gaming Kickstarters
See what you make of this Kickstarter we've picked out from this week on the funding platform..
The Rise Of Obliterarium - Large scale fantastical anthropomorphic monsters in four flavours. Which is your favourite Clan, you can't pick Avials that's mine!
Skyharbour 3 - whether you are a fan of Steampunk games or want to build a Gotham worthy of Batman these stunning STL files will have you racing for the top of the tower!
Let us know if you'll be checking out these projects in the comments down below. Make sure to check out all of this tabletop goodness and have a great weekend of gaming fun.
Have a great weekend and stay safe!
We love games and we love our community even more, join us by subscribing to our Channel and visiting our website and social channels:
► Our Website: https://www.ontabletop.com/
► Our Store: https://store.ontabletop.com/
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► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ontabletop_official/
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00:00 Welcome to the Weekender
1:14 Indie of the Week
19:31 Playing With Hero Forge
44:55 The News
1:07:15 Kickstarters
► Our Store: https://store.ontabletop.com/
Today on the OnTableTop Weekender! Hero Forge launches its revamped site with a new all-singing, all-dancing, all colour, way to customise and print your characters and you can win one on the show, the guys are blown away by the wealth of options and how you can paint your figure. Mantic Games up their game with a new range of plastic goblins that may pull Lloyd into Kings of War finally, are these the best plastic goblins in the world. PLUS designer standees and designer dice, one of these things are completely unnecessary and I don't think people will have much trouble deciding which is which....Steve! ALSO we take in monolithic fantasy miniatures and stunning steampunk scenery in the Kickstarters!
► Share your Hero Forge mini for a chance to WIN and we will get it printed:
►Subscribe & Share! Massive 100K Subscriber Giveaway
Warren has something special planned for hitting the big Century so be sure to share and tell your friends and check out the prize claim centre to see if you won last weeks fantastic prize from PSC Games.
►Indie Of The Week! Crusader Miniatures
The ranges cover a huge expanse of history, from the armies of Alexander the Great to the British Tommies of World War Two. Eight different collections all sculpted by Mark Sims, if you're looking to play Bolt Action or Clash of Spears, even Saga, for example, there is a wealth of miniatures for you to explore.
► Feature! Hero Forge 2.0
It's finally here, Hero Forge has launched their revamped platform this week to allow you to build the most unique custom figures for your RPGs or tabletop games. Apart from the wealth of options that they are constantly adding to let you build your personal vision they have now the option to paint your figure and have it delivered to you exactly as you want without having to lift a brush! The guys poke the system and show you how mind-blowing the options are available to you and tell you exactly how you can win this weeks prize.
► Tabletop Gaming News
Here is some of the wargaming, tabletop and miniatures news this week which caught our eye and made us go "ooooh!"
Mantic Games Goblins - a horde of releases from Mantic spearheaded by the new goblins
Studio Miniatures - Four horrifyingly beautiful figures to chase your survivors
Wofun Games - Peter Dennis' Signature collection add Rome and her enemies to the tabletop
Louis Vuitton Dice - because people with more money than sense
Let us know if something from this week made you "oooh!" and if we missed anything!
► Tabletop Gaming Kickstarters
See what you make of this Kickstarter we've picked out from this week on the funding platform..
The Rise Of Obliterarium - Large scale fantastical anthropomorphic monsters in four flavours. Which is your favourite Clan, you can't pick Avials that's mine!
Skyharbour 3 - whether you are a fan of Steampunk games or want to build a Gotham worthy of Batman these stunning STL files will have you racing for the top of the tower!
Let us know if you'll be checking out these projects in the comments down below. Make sure to check out all of this tabletop goodness and have a great weekend of gaming fun.
Have a great weekend and stay safe!
We love games and we love our community even more, join us by subscribing to our Channel and visiting our website and social channels:
► Our Website: https://www.ontabletop.com/
► Our Store: https://store.ontabletop.com/
► Subscribe: http://ow.ly/4n9PEe
► Twitter: https://twitter.com/ontabletop
► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ontabletop/
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ontabletop_official/
► Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/ontabletoplive
00:00 Welcome to the Weekender
1:14 Indie of the Week
19:31 Playing With Hero Forge
44:55 The News
1:07:15 Kickstarters
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