Episode 149: The Opulence From the Digital Workflow: Jesse Zamarripa and Opulent Digital Specialists

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We welcome back Bennett Napier from the [NADL (National Association of Dental Laboratories)](https://nadl.org/). Bennett stops by the podcast for a brief update of the state of our industry, technicians getting vaccines, and the upcoming Vision 21 meeting being held April 8 - 10 in Nashville, TN.

While many labs are already full into the digital workflow, some are still looking for a way to enter the "game". And some of the labs that are already in the "game" need a resource to improve the workflow or assistance to bring on a new product. Enter Jesse Zamarripa from [Opulent Digital Specialist](https://opulentcadcam.com/). Jesse comes on the podcast to talk about how his company can help your lab enter the digital workflow or even help you improve your current workflow with dedicated service available 24/7. Partnering with names such as [Amman Girrbach](https://www.amanngirrbach.us/home/), [ExoCad](https://exocad.com/), and [NT-Trading](https://nt.dental/en/products-en/), Opulent is a good option with labs that want to go digital.

### [Aurident](https://www.aurident.com/) offers so much more than just the [P5 michine](https://www.aurident.com/p5/). They offer all the needed accessories like [Nabertherm furnaces](https://www.aurident.com/furnaces/) and vacuums by Renfert. And all the consumables can be got in one place! Aurident has [Delta Zirconia](https://www.aurident.com/delta-zirconia/), [Aurident Zr](https://www.aurident.com/aurident-zr-zirconia/), Aurident cutting tools, and [Quest pmma](https://www.aurident.com/quest-pmma-shaded/) ! Aurident definitely is a One Stop Shop for any dental laboratory's needs! Call our friends, Aurident, at 800-422-7373 or visit their website at aurident.com!


### Have you seen the [CUREBox Plus](https://whipmix.com/products/curebox-plus/) from [Whip Mix](https://whipmix.com/) yet? This highly effective yet affordable light-curing unit is ideal for most printed resins on the market. The economically priced curing box uses a specific wavelength and intensity light source, time control, and temperature control to polymerize (cure) dental resin materials. The unit’s glasswork surface features diffuse reflectors, which improve light transmission uniformity to the bottom of the model, and its maximum temperature of 80˚C provides increased compatibility with medical device 3D print resins. It also provides faster heating.
### The glove-friendly, easy-to-use touchscreen includes status indicators for heat, lamps, and the door to the large capacity chamber and it features One-touch presets, customizable settings, a timer (5 Minutes - 12 Hours), a temperature controller (30 - 80˚C), and an auto-start and shut down mode.
### For more information about Whip Mix’s CUREBox, visit whipmix.com.
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