Butterfly Ring 3d Model Print: Moore's Jewelers

32 Просмотры
Here is the 3d print of our Butterfly Ring 3d Model we posted about a week ago. Wanted to show how the model looks printed for those who have been curious and have been interested in purchasing this model. Below is a link for the previous video on the model if you have not seen it. If you have any questions on the ring, print, or model feel free to contact us at https://mooresjewelers.com. For anything else feel free to leave us a comment. Be more than happy to help in anyway we can.

Site: https://mooresjewelers.com
Contact Us: https://mooresjewelers.com/contactus
Download Model: https://mooresjewelers.com/3d-model-rings/c/10_11/

Previous Video: https://youtu.be/0FcrXbVLa38

Tags: Tags: #mooresjewelers #butterfly #3dmodel #stlfile #ring #band #splitshank #milgrain #beaded #3dprint #3dprinting
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