BEFORE Buying a 3D Printer from Aliexpress... Watch This... (Sapphire Pro 1 Review)

46 Просмотры
When a company called TwoTrees contacted me about their 3D printer they wanted me to check out, I thought wow, this looks like a great fit, I usually buy some things off Aliexpress and am quite a big fan of the website. Though after spending a week with this Sapphire Pro 1 Unit, and having a mountain of headaches, I decided to contact them directly to see how they would resolve the issues, and I just got met with some generic 'fix it yourself'.... not cool at all.

RuiRaptors awesome video on setting up this printer:

Check out the 3D Printer in today's video here (though I don't recommend this as your first printer):

Here is a printer with better reviews:

3d принтер с aliexpress
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