A Full ASMBL'd Print from Start to Finish

48 Просмотры
Gritty, real, no editing. This video does what it says on the tin and is our current benchmark ASMBL print from start to finish.

Featuring the ASMBL techniques of:

Precise Part Accuracy
Hidden Features
Milled Smooth Top Surfaces
Correlectly Toleranced Holes
Non-Planar Milling

ASMBL stands for Additive Subtractive Manufacturing by Layer and is a new method of manufacturing which incorporates both additive (3D Printing) and subtractive (CNC) technologies into a single seamless workflow.

Read more about ASMBL on our blog post: https://e3d-online.com/blogs/news/asmbl?utm_source=YouTube&utm_medium=YT&utm_campaign=1hrvid

Or hit up our github: https://github.com/AndyEveritt/ASMBL
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